GET A FREE QUOTE - All XBOX Series X|S Controller Repairs
Unsure What might be the problem with your XBOX Series X|S Controller?
If you are unsure what might be the problem with your XBOX Series X|S Controller, Simply book for this service. We will do the analysis and let you know the problem and available fixes.
Please note that this is an analysis-only service, once the issue is confirmed one of our friendly representatives will contact you and inform you of all the available solutions along with the required timeframes.
If you would like to go ahead with the repair we will forward all the details regarding time frames and payment.
We will also waive the analysis charges.
• If your XBOX Series X|S controller drifts, thumbstick Jitters, buttons not work, Left Trigger, Right Trigger Button have issues, Left Bumper (LB) skips, Left Trigger (LT) not work, Right Bumper (RB) skips, Right Trigger (RT) not work, rusted battery terminals, randomly shuts off, disconnects, Left thumbstick problems, right thumbstick problems, L3 no input, L3 skips, R3 no input, R3 Skips, L-Stick Drifts, R-Stick Drifts, other drift issues with joysticks